Thursday, February 19, 2009

I haven't written every day like I thought I would. But I guess thats okay. I'll do my best. Today my friends Kim, Stacia, and Michelle came over for lunch. We usually get together every Tuesday. It's fun. It will be nice when summer is here and we can go to the park or the res.

I ran 2.9 miles this morning in 29 minutes so I was feeling pretty proud. Tiffany and I were signed up to do the 10k this weekend, but I think we're only going to do the 5k. I'm kind of glad. I really wanted to do the 10k but I wasn't totally prepared, and coming in last is really the pits. Trust me, I know. I am in love with the running watch Justin gave me! It's great!

I weighed in at WW yesterday and had lost 1.4. Not much, but better than nothing. I am at 140.2 and I want to get to 135 so hopefully only a few more weeks. I really miss eating! :)

Hailey is gone until Saturday. Brayden had a track meet in Pocatello, ID so my parents went to watch and took Hailey with them. She loves seeing Ragen so she was really excited. Bryce and Ann are in the process of their divorce and it sure makes me sad. I hope everything will work out as good as it possibly can.

Today is Danny's birthday and he doesn't even know it. We celebrated on Sunday and he opened all his presents. He doesn't seem to mind. He wants me to get him an orange right now! I told him to get it himself, he says he doesn't know how to climb!

On my first post I said I wanted to write something down every day that I was thankful for. Oops, I forgot I was going to do that! Today I am thankful for my health. I know that is a broad one, but I know so many people with so many different problems that keep them from enjoying life to its fullest. I'm glad I can!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Today is President's Day so the kids had the day off from school. I love getting an extra day to sleep in. Max did wake up at 7am, but at least we could just lay there and didn't have to get up and going.

Danny's party went really good yesterday. The dinner turned out really good and everyone seemed to really like it. We've had some rough patches in the Church family over the years, so it is really nice now to be able to get together and all get along. The Thomas cake turned out so cute. Danny was so excited about it. I didn't know if he would let us cut it or not, but he did! He got some more Thomas trains to go with his tracks, a Thomas backpack, Thomas tub toys, a shotgun (toy of course) and some other fun little things. He had so much fun opening presents it was hysterical to watch him. Everyone stayed around and talked and it was a lot of fun. My little guy is 4 now and I can't believe it. I wish I could freeze him right now! He is so much fun and full of love. He is a little naughty at times though.

This morning I went running. Justin wanted to go with me so I was glad. He hasn't ran since he broke his leg almost a year ago. He's a little out of shape but I know it won't take him long to get back. He's such a natural athlete. I hope our kids take after him. We ran from our house, down the road, then up the hill to the dump, and then back to our house. It was kind of hard with the hills, but we did it. I was pretty tired after that and was pretty much lazy the rest of the day. Misty called and asked if the kids could come up to Oak City and play with her, so they were really excited about that. I was too! I took a nap, then took a bath. It was nice.

My mom and I went to the fabric store to look for some fabric to make a quilt. Me and the girls are going to Georgia in May to see the Bell's and I want to make Ammie a quilt for her graduation. There was lots of cute stuff. I will probably go back next week and buy something.

Just for the record, we did make valentine cookies for the kids to deliver to their friends. They had a lot of frosting the cookies and sprinkling them. Then we took them to houses and they rang the doorbells and ran. They loved it. And I only lost my cool a couple of times, which is great for me! Also, I did end up running on Saturday morning. We went 5.5 miles and I felt pretty good. I had to stop at 3 miles and rest for a second, but after that I was able to finish. I used my new watch Justin gave me and loved it! The 10k is Saturday, I hope I can do okay.

Tonight we had lasagna for dinner and now we are laying around watching a movie for family home evening. I love relaxing evenings like this. Goodnight.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

Today is Valentines day. My kids get so excited for every holiday and think all day should be a party. I wish! Justin surprised me with a running watch yesterday. I have wanted one for a long time now so I was really excited. I didn't get him anything. All he needs is love! :) Last night we went to dinner and to the movie. It was kind of a bomb. We went to the Rancher and only ordered a salad because we were in a hurry and it still took forever. So we asked if we could get it to go and that took forever. So we missed the first of the movie. Then about half way through the movie I decided to call my mom to check on Max. He hadn't been feeling too good so he was there. She said he had cried the whole time so we just left the movie and came home. We'll just have to see it another time.

I have a cold and I'm feeling pretty crappy. I'm supposed to go run 5.5 miles today with Kim and Tiffany but I don't know what to do. I really want to use my new watch, but I don't want to get any more sick either. Not too mention its hard to run when you don't feel good. We'll see.

We are going to celebrate Danny's birthday tomorrow. I ordered him a Thomas the Train cake. I think he's going to love it. Karson's birthday is the same day so we'll celebrate them both. I'm going to make cafe rio salad so hopefully it will all turn out good. It feels like I have a lot of parties here! Yesterday I told Danny I loved him, he told me he loved robots like star wars! That kid is so funny!

The tooth fairy finally visited Jonah last night. (3 days late) She left a note and $5. I guess she was feeling a little guilty for being so late!

The kids really want to make valentines and deliver them to their friends today. I thought it would be fun to have a nice family valentine dinner. And I need to get the house clean for the party tomorrow. I wish I had enough energy to do all the things that need to be done!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Here goes....

I have decided to start my own personal blog. I have no intentions of anyone reading this. It's more like a journal for me. I am always thinking things I would like to write down, and I think this will be a good place to do it.

As always, I am trying to keep my temper under control. Truth be told, I don't try very hard. I Iwould love to stop yelling, why can't I? I am going to try to work on that a little harder. The kids are all doing good. As I type, Max is sitting on the floor playing with toys, like the good boy he is. Danny is laying on the couch in his spiderman underwear watching Thomas. He has the life!! He is so spoiled. It's hard not to spoil him though. It will probably only be worse when Max gets older.

Yesterday I had to take Jonah to the dentist. He bit into a conversation heart at school and broke a molar right in half. The dentist pulled the tooth out and Jonah was so brave. He'll have to go back in in a month to get a spacer. Justin doesn't really want to do this, so we'll see.

Things at the dairy have been a little scarey lately. There is not much money. We've had to cut our paycheck in half which has been pretty difficult. We are always blessed financially for some reason. We still seem to get by. I feel like I need to give more to continue being so blessed, but I hardly ever follow through with all my good intentions. Gotta work on that too.

I went to weight watchers last night. I only lost .8lbs. but thats better than nothing. I have lost a total of 11.6 which I am pretty proud of. I still want to lose at least seven more which would get me to 135lbs. Justin thinks I should go down more, but I don't know if I can maintain that. Don't get me wrong, he's not like a controlling husband. He just knows I would feel better about myself and be able to run better. I'm always complaining about how slow I am running! Speaking of....I ran two miles this morning in under 20 minutes. It about killed me, but I did it and felt good when I was done. Then I ran the last mile a lot slower, but oh well. Maybe next time!

So, here it is. My first personal post. I hope this will be the kind of journal my posterity would like to read. I have decided every time I am done writing, I am going to write something I am thankful today I am thankful for my computer and the internet that makes it possible for me to start this journal. Goodbye.